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Meet the Team

Scott Hewitt – Sales Executive




After a huge win from England rugby over the weekend, what better time than now to introduce our rugby loving Sales Executive, Scott Hewitt! Scott discusses his rugby career, his university life studying psychology, and shares his strong views on romantic comedy movies…




What is your Job role?

I am a Sales executive at John Hogg. My work varies a lot, but this is something I really enjoy. I mainly work alongside our European, Asia Pacific & UK customers. Recently, a lot of my job role has been focussed on the implementation of the new Euromarker ACCUTRACE™ Plus and working towards a smooth delivery of new products across Europe.

How long have you been a part of the John Hogg team?

Just over 1 year and 3 months, not that I am counting! It was pretty much straight out of university.

What was your first job, and did you enjoy it?

So, my first ever job was a Cocktail bar-tender, which I worked as during my time at university. Within this, I worked my way up the hospitality ladder to manage the bar, however two years of cocktail shaking and late nights ended up losing its appeal! I really enjoyed certain parts of it, especially gaining a mixology qualification which I am hoping to showcase more to my colleagues!

The work varied a lot, which included lots of high-pressure situations and communicating with several different types of people. This has really served me well in Sales communication and rapport building.

Did you attend University? If so, what did you study?

Yes, I studied Psychology at the University of Manchester, but alas, unfortunately I cannot read minds. I feel that the course has brought various skills to my career, including a lot of the principles learnt in social psychology. I would say my favourite part of my degree was my dissertation, here I led my own research into COVID-19 and social identity.

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I am an avid Rugby fan (union) and an Ex- player. This has taken me across the UK, I have even competed in an international tournament in Portugal. I have recently hung up my boots and picked up a tennis racket instead!

Although I no longer play contact rugby, I am now in a social tag rugby team called Tag me Papi. Recently, I have also rescued a Bulgarian Street dog, Carly, who takes up a lot of my time with her puppy energy.

Do you have a favourite sports team?

Yes, I was born in Trafford, work in Trafford and live a 5-minute drive away from Trafford, so there are no prizes for guessing I am a Red.

What’s a fun fact about you that most people wouldn’t know?

I am self-confessed Rom-com aficionado… You name it, I’ve watched it!

Describe your ideal day off.

I hate having nothing to do, so a busy day off would be my ideal day off. I’d get up early and hike with the dog in a beautiful location (Rivington Pike is lovely). It would them be followed up with some home-made food or a good pub lunch.

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

Id love to go to South Africa! The rugby culture over there is built on respect, and they’re fanatics about it as well. Also, the food looks incredible, and I would love to visit Table Mountain.

Which movie has left a lasting impact on you and why?

Forest Gump. It’s one of my favourite films, and every time I watch it, I get a new meaning out of it. It really narrates American History nicely but also documents a great life story as well.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would have to be a roast dinner; commonly following a walk with the dog in the countryside.

What is your greatest fear?

Rats and Pigeons I can’t stand them, especially since one flew into the back of my head.

Your GOAT music artist?

I’ve been to several music festivals, and the music genre that I like the most is alternative music. My GOAT music artist is probably Paolo Nutini, I saw him in Belfast which was an amazing experience.

Other notable mentions would be the Arctic Monkeys, the Strokes and the LATHUMS, but I like most music to be honest.

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be?

Probably Sigmund Freud. I learnt (and disagreed) with a lot of his theory, so I would love to take him to task!

If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Ambitious, Hardworking and Self-Aware

What’s the best thing about your job?

The variety of people that I communicate with, both internally and externally. I love building relationships, communicating with various people all over the world and achieving positive results.

What’s an important lesson you’ve learned while working at John Hogg?

You get out what you put in. If you try hard and are open about your ambitions, the company will listen, nurture you, and get you where you want to be.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to new team members to succeed within our company culture?

Get stuck in and ask questions, everyone in the business is approachable and friendly. There’s no one that you can’t ask things about. If you don’t understand it the first time, then revisit it. We’re all here because we share similar company values, which means it is easy to work together to reach our goals.

Finally, in your opinion, what sets John Hogg apart as an employer?

The investment in people, there is a clear set out training plan in place for everyone individually. I think also the way differing skills are used, your prior experience in either industry or education is utilised and put to good use.


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