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Meet the Team

Steven Wright – Chief Financial Officer



Another Monday, another entry in our Meet the Team series!

This week we caught up with our Chief Financial Officer, Steven Wright about his life at JH and the highs and lows of being an Everton supporter.

Tell us a little about your role at John Hogg

I’m the Chief Financial Officer at John Hogg. My role as the CFO focuses on making sure that the strategy for the Company aligns to our financial goals and the regulations we operate under. We use our reporting frameworks to make sure this is monitored and communicated throughout the business.

As a member of the Board, we must ensure that we have a clear strategy that we can cascade through the business and support employees with the right resources to be able to achieve it and be successful. We are also focussed on developing our resources, including our people to give them the opportunities and platforms to be successful at John Hogg.

How long have you been a part of the John Hogg team?

I joined John Hogg in January 2016 – I can’t believe that is 8 years ago! Before that, I spent 15 years at Pilkington plc, a glass manufacturer..

What was your first job, did you enjoy it?

I took a summer job during my degree, where I was working in a factory on 12-hour shifts, 6am – 6pm. I worked on a machine that put the plastic sleeves around VHS cassettes. My job was to take them off the machine and pack them into boxes. It was hard work, but I learnt a lot and built good relationships with people. It also helped me appreciate the opportunity I had to gain a good education and to make the most out of my career.

Did you attend University? If so, what did you study?

Yes, I went to UMIST which was the science and mathematics side of Manchester University. I studied for a masters in chemistry.

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing outside of work?

The obvious answer is my time is mostly taken up by my children, driving them around and trying to keep them off devices! Generally, I enjoy a bit of cycling, watching or playing sports, cooking, and reading where and when I can find the time!

Do you have a favourite sports team?

From birth I have been an Everton fan. My father was an Everton fan, and my family are from Liverpool, so it was an obvious choice. Unfortunately, my son has also caught the Everton bug…I did give him a choice to support someone more successful, but he wanted to stick with Everton!

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

My wife and I went to New York before we had our first child. It was an amazing place! If money was no object, I would like to go back and take the family.

Which book or a movie has left a lasting impact on you and why?

Movie wise, it would be the film “Seven”. This was more the circumstance of when I watched it in the cinema – I didn’t know what to expect and it was very different to things I’d seen before. The film definitely moved me at the time… I wouldn’t say it was the best film I’ve watched, but one that I will remember.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

When I have travelled with work in Japan & India, I experienced some of the best food I have ever tasted. It is amazing how you can find hidden gems in the most unlikely back streets of these countries. On the occasions that locals have taken me out, I have really enjoyed this type of Asian cuisine.

What is your greatest fear?

That my beloved Everton get relegated!

Your GOAT music artist?

I really enjoy listening to the Rolling Stones. When I put it on in the car with my son, I feel sorry for him having to listen to this ‘old’ music.

What’s the best thing about your job?

The ability to take action and make things happen. That involves discussion about an idea or issue and then going away and doing it, or supporting another individual to do it. That’s something that we should not underestimate, and it is an important part of working at a Company like John Hogg. I’ve worked in companies where, due to the hierarchy structure; this is not as achievable.

What’s an important lesson you’ve learned while working at John Hogg?

We’ve been on a journey to improve our communication. I’m in a privileged position within the business, and when we are communicating with our employees, it’s very important for us to make sure that everyone understands and that is something that we are continuously trying to improve on.

So, the lesson is making sure the key messages are understood by our employees because engaging everyone in our vision of the future is a very powerful and exciting thing for the Company.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to new team members to succeed within our company culture?

I would say talking to people and drawing on their knowledge and supportiveness as you settle in. Use the first period of joining the Company to learn, ask as many questions as possible and understand how your role can help us be successful. It makes me proud that people at all levels are willing to answer questions and support each other.


Finally, what do you think sets John Hogg apart as an employer?

We try to make everybody feel part of the process. It’s a constant journey, but its definitely part of what we want to do as an employer, by giving everybody the opportunity to be the best that they can be and develop themselves, as well as sharing in our successes. The sky’s the limit when you have enthusiastic, motivated high calibre people that know how they can contribute to John Hogg!


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